
The staff and governors of Bailiffe Bridge Junior & Infant School know that some children attending the school may be vulnerable and that, as adults, we have a moral duty to protect them to ensure their needs are met.  As a school, we are firmly committed to working in close partnership with parents/carers and other agencies to ensure that the children in our care and their families receive the support they need.  


As a team, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all children in our care.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Team

If you have any safeguarding or welfare concerns regarding  ANY child in school, then please speak to a member of our DSL team as soon as possible. 


Mr Roberts


Miss Haigh


Miss Ashton


Mrs Lawton


Miss Hudson


The staff and governors of Bailiffe Bridge Junior & Infant School know that some children attending the school may be vulnerable and that, as adults, we have a moral duty to protect them to ensure their needs are met.  As a school, we are firmly committed to working in close partnership with parents/carers and other agencies to ensure that the children in our care and their families receive the support they need.  


As a team, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all children in our care.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Team

If you have any safeguarding or welfare concerns regarding  ANY child in school, then please speak to a member of our DSL team as soon as possible. 


Mr Roberts


Miss Haigh


Miss Ashton


Mrs Lawton


Miss Hudson